Mt Rogers Health District To Begin Vaccinations For Phase 1b In Virginia

The Mount Rogers Health District which serves Washington and Wythe Counties along with the cities of Bristol and Galax has been selected to move into Phase Ib of the Commonwealth’s massive undertaking to vaccinate Virginian’s population. Phase Ib includes eight sub-catergories such as Police, fire and hazmat workers, as well as corrections and homeless shelter workers, child care and K-12 teachers and staff. Also included in the Ib group are workers in the food and agriculture industry, manufacturing, grocery, public transportation and mail carriers. Virginia has been administering the vaccines to front line workers, those who are 75 years of age or older and staff and residents of nursing and long term care centers since the end of December.. If you are in Phase 1a or meet the age requirement you can still get your vaccination. For more information check out VDH COVID-19 Vaccine Webpage. Health officials with Mount Rogers will begin administering the vaccines next week.