SCSO pays tribute to Sgt. Steve Hinkle, killed in the line of duty two years ago today

Friday marks two years since the tragic shooting death of Sullivan County Sheriff’s Office Sgt. Steve Hinkle.
Hinkle and deputies with the department on the morning of Feb. 26, 2019 were conducting a welfare check at a home in Blountville, when suspect Jackie Scott Pendergrass began firing at officers, with one shot hitting Hinkle, who was taken to the hospital where he died of his injuries later that day. Tennessee Bureau of Investigation officials reported that Pendergrass died of a self-inflicted gunshot wound.
The Sheriff’s Office took to social media on Friday to pay tribute to the late Sgt. Hinkle, saying they will never forget that day or his sacrifice for the community he loved.
Photo Courtesy: Sullivan County Sheriff’s Office