University study shows Virginia EMS workers are not getting enough rest

A recent survey shows those who help take care of those at medical risk are at risk themselves.
A review conducted by the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine with input from EMS workers from the state of Virginia has experts devising steps to help combat fatigue among those medical care professionals.
Virginia’s EMS workers are not getting enough sleep with 63 percent of those service members indicating they get less than 7 hours of sleep daily on average. The study also said 50 percent of state EMS operators did not receive enough rest or sleep for at least 14 days a month.
The group has created a set of steps to help mitigate fatigue among workers including using a sleepiness survey with workers to monitor fatigue levels, reducing 24 hours work shifts when possible, and providing access to caffeine to employees on duty.
(IMAGE: Univ. of Pittsburgh School of Medicine)