UPDATE: Former Bristol Tennessee school director pleading guilty in bogus online education scheme in Alabama

Residents and Board of Education members alike had suspicions about Tom Sisk when he was hired and then bought out of his contract as Director of Schools in Bristol, Tennessee one year ago.
It appears their intuition was right.
Court records out of Alabama show an attorney for Tom Sisk, 55, has informed federal court of his client’s intention to plead guilty to a conspiracy charge connected to a corruption case involving false enrollment of students in a virtual school that funneled state education dollars into the pockets of Sisk and five others including another former school director.
A US Department of Justice report released last month said the six suspects created bogus report cards, phony home addresses, and other questionable documents in their scheme.
Bristol Tennessee Public Schools paid more than $76,000 to get rid of Sisk last year as part of a separation agreement after board members questioned the accuracy of his resume and degrees. Reports of Sisk making racist comments while in his director’s role surfaced shortly after he left.
(IMAGE: SuperTalk 929 Archives)