City of Johnson City to host speed dating-style event to connect potential volunteers with city government groups

The City of Johnson City says it will host a speed dating-style event to help connect potential volunteers to city government boards and commissions. This event is titled “Are You Ready to Serve?”, and it will feature city representatives stationed at tables doing quick explanations of their duties and possible volunteer opportunities. This is a great way to find volunteer opportunities to fulfill general community service hours. Community participants will spend 15 minutes at each table to meet representatives, like a speed dating event would operate. Participants will then have the opportunity to select organizations they are interested in to volunteer with, and hopefully find a perfect match. Johnson City groups that will be in attendance include the Board of Building Codes, Golf Advisory Board, Historic Zoning Commission, and more. This event happens at the Memorial Park Community Center tennis courts on October 27th at 5:30 PM. More info here.
(Image: Unsplash)