Art with a message: New storm drain art in Kingsport now complete
Kingsport officials say the new storm drain art around the city is now complete. Earlier this year, the city held an art contest where participants created original drawings that raise awareness of the risks of pollutants entering into storm drains.
Pollutants that enter into storm drains are inevitably emptied into local water sources such as rivers and lakes. This year, the city had children in mind, as all five pieces of art can be found near public schools. Washington, Jefferson, Roosevelt, and John Adams Elementary Schools, as well as Kenwood Road are all areas the new storm drain art can be found.
Kaylee Osborne– Located at John Adams Elementary
Joel Hammitt — Located at Roosevelt Elementary
Brenda Barkley — Located on Kenwood Road
Ashley Roberts — Located at Jefferson Elementary
Alexandra Sheffey — Located at Washington Elementary
(Image: City of Kingsport)