Kingsport board members vote to delay water/sewage rate increase by one month

Just weeks after the City of Kingsport announced water and sewer rate hikes, officials now say the increase will be delayed by one month. According to a press release, the Board of Mayor and Aldermen voted on Friday to delay the increase due to recent issues with the city’s water meters and billing.
Kingsport’s fiscal year 2023 budget was approved in late June, and it includes a 7.5 percent rate increase for all water customers, as well as a 13.5 percent hike for sewage. The change was initially supposed to take effect on July 1st, however the city says that will now happen on the first of August. The Kingsport BMA will reassess and take a second and final vote on the measure July 19th.
(Image: City of Kingsport)