Kingsport to close roads for Racks By The Tracks Festival this weekend

The 15th annual Racks by the Tracks Festival and Racks by the Tracks 10K and 5K road races will be held on Saturday, May 18. In preparation for the festival, Clinchfield Street from West Center Street to Press Street will close on Friday, May 17, beginning at 3 p.m. All lanes of traffic will be closed and will remain closed for the duration of the event on Saturday. Also, several road closures will occur on Saturday for the festival’s 10K and 5K road races, starting at 9 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. respectively. Road closures due to the races will start around 7 a.m. The Kingsport Farmers Market will not open on Saturday, May 18. Regular market hours will resume Wednesday, May 23. Kingsport officials say motorists should expect temporary delays as vehicles will be worked through these areas by police officers as it is safe to do so and also asks that all vehicle traffic traveling in downtown Kingsport during this time to be extra vigilant for runners and festival goers.