Smoke testing of sewer lines in Knob Creek and Regional Wastewater treatment plant area

As part of the Water and Sewer Services Department’s comprehensive maintenance program, crews will begin smoke testing of sanitary sewer lines in the Knob Creek and Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant collection systems starting Sept. 9. Smoke testing helps the City determine points where, during rain events, extra water can enter the system. Testing is expected to continue through the end of the year. During the test, City crews will send white smoke designed for this testing into the sanitary sewer system by blowing it into a manhole. It is then forced out through lines, cracks, openings, or plumbing vents on or near roof tops. The smoke is safe, odorless, non-toxic and non-staining. If home plumbing systems are correctly installed and well vented with working water traps, smoke should not enter the home. If smoke enters your home, there are deficiencies in your plumbing system.