Police chief shot in the line of duty honored with award from Virginia Attorney General

At a law enforcement event in Southwest Virginia, Norton Chief of Police James Lane was given the Quiet Hero Award by Attorney General Jason Miyares.
The honor is awarded to law enforcement members and the sacrifices they make to protect the public.
Lane was shot five times at near point blank range in May of 2021 when Sgt. Jason McConnell arrived at the scene and shot the suspect then rushed Lane to a hospital. The shooter received two life sentences from a Wise County judge.
“Chief James Lane and Sheriff Jason McConnell are the definition of Quiet Heroes who continue to face danger head-on to protect their communities, even after looking evil in the eye,” said Miyares. “Chief Lane’s resilience and courage, along with the swift and decisive actions of Sheriff McConnell, are an inspiration to us all.”
(IMAGE: Commonwealth of Virginia / Office of the Attorney General)