Food City, other companies and customers produce $2.1 million for flood recovery

The consumers who gave benefit contributions while paying for groceries last month helped produce the largest donation total in the history of the Food City franchise.
K-VA-T Food Stores CEO Steve Smith and other business leaders announced a $2.1 million total from a 12-day collection with proceeds dedicated to help hurricane flood victims recover.
Smith noted even the smallest donation made at checkout turned into big results with $833,000 raised at local stores.
The multi-million funding package being distributed to United Way agencies in NE Tennessee and SW Virginia included sizable gifts from the NASCAR Foundation and a $1 million check from Phoenix Medical Products of Mountain City.
United Way Executive Director Megan Parks said the region answered the call for help and those dollars will be used over the coming months to help residents get their lives back on track.
The partnership for fundraising also included the Eastman Foundation, WJHL, WCYB and its sister stations, and the Bristol Broadcasting Co. family of stations.
(IMAGE: J. Olsen / Bristol Broadcasting Co News)