Elizabethton Judge Jason Holly censured

Elizabethton Municipal Judge Jason Holly has been censured by the same board that suspended his law license on October 28, leading to his inability to oversee cases. Holly has applied for reinstatement, though the board appears to want that decision to go to a hearing. The censure by the Board of Professional Responsibility of the Tennessee Supreme Court ordered Holly to pay former clients for failing to take proper action on behalf of his clients. Holly applied to have his license reinstated on December 23 and noted that he doesn’t plan to continue practicing law. If the Tennessee Supreme Court grants his request and reinstates his license, Holly will again be eligible to hear cases in the part-time judgeship primarily dealing with traffic and building code matters. The board disputes his assertion that he’s met all requirements imposed by the court. Criminal Court Judge Stacy Street has been hearing municipal cases on a volunteer basis pending the resolution of Holly’s situation.