NESCC lowering on-site enrollment class numbers, offering more hybrid and online learning opportunities for fall semester
Northeast State Community College has announced changes to their upcoming fall semester course offerings in response to COVID-19.
The college says enrollment for on-site classes will be lowered for social-distancing requirements that requires a shift to hybrid and online formats. Format updates are set to become available starting today for students, and in addition to on-site instruction, hybrid and fully online formats will be offered.
Below is the list of formats Northeast State plans to use:
Class content is delivered face-to-face in the classroom at the location listed on the days and times relected in the schedule of classes.
These classes are fully online and do not meet at a specific time. Proctored testing may be required as appropriate for the course.
Half of the class content is delivered face-to-face on a specific day and time. The other half is delivered via online instruction.
Synchronous Zoom
Classes will meet via Zoom on specific days and times.
Synchronous Zoom Hybrid
Classes will meet via Zoom on a specific day and time once per week. The remainder of the content will be delivered via online instruction.
Interactive Television
These courses are taught using two-way interactive audio and video (ITV) instruction. Students at other locations participate in class discussions and activities. A faculty member can instruct from any site, and the students can see and communicate with the instructor and other students. These classes meet on a Northeast State campus on specific days and times.
A computer will be needed to access instruction that is delivered in the online, Zoom, and hybrid formats.
Registration for the 2020 fall semester is underway, and students with questions about changes to the Fall 2020 schedule should contact their academic advisors or the Advising Resource Center at 423.323.0214 or by email at Classes are set to begin August 17th.
Photo Courtesy: Northeast State Community College